I didn’t  ask to be born, didn’t care for my name, didn’t ask to be adopted and yet I was

It seemed like with all the freedom of choices later the first was an unjust sort of cause

But do you hear the clay pot complain to the potter about the shape in which it was made

For God himself knew all these things before they ever were ,  before any DNA was ever laid

Even though I was blind to it, sometimes saddened by the choices of others,   he saw it all

He saw me go through the highs and lows of life like each of us do, and saw me trip and fall

But he used all these things to build my character, to make me more like him, teach me love

And I know I sought it diligently, seemed it was elusive to me, even when it was right above

Even though I took my eyes off of him, went my own way, his eyes were always on me

Knowing that after all these trials and tribulations a blind man would finally begin to see

That what matters most of all in life is that you begin to see yourself as you’re really are

That in your heart of heart and mind of minds the core of your being is like God from afar

And even if he sometimes seems light years away,   it is in your heart is wants to live and stay

For you are  his holy temple now much better than the brick and mortar, beautiful and bold

Because in you his temple he can shape you every day to be more like him, young or old

Considering your life started out with almost no choices at all, the best choice you have is Jesus

Don’t waste your time seeking wisdom somewhere else especially a bad college thesis

Some supposed wise men says it all started with a really Big Bang

But everyone knows you do not get real orange juice in a bottle of Tang

And even if it did start with some big explosion, it came from somewhere  a start

And if you go back as far as you can possibly can go you have to begin with God’s heart.

(By:  Keith Chriswell)

About the author : Lily of The Valleys