Lord Jesus teach us to love the way you love
Full measure overflowing, abundant, deep from above
Unmerited love, one we could never find a way to earn
Despite having parents who were maybe strict and stern
The love you give is so good it is hard to truly believe
Until you receive the Holy Spirit and you begin to receive
A love so deep so pure, never ending without words to explain
How the creator of the universe truly cared about my smallest pain
Lifted me up from the pit of defeat, death and despair
Because he loved me so much he watched everything with care
He gave me gifts I never knew I ever even had
Because he loved me so much and hated seeing me sad
He created us to love and gave us his essence of pure love itself
But it only lives fully in us when we lay down our lives and our self
For without love there is nothing to live for at all
But with Jesus love in our hearts we can stand tall
Show everyone who crosses our path the light of his love and his way
So that when we cross over we will have peace, love and a place to stay.
~ (by Keith Chriswell)